We carry out all the processes ourselves, which includes being fastidious about keeping the soil in good condition, planting the seedlings, and managing the tea plantation.
Our company has one of Japan’s foremost plantations, measuring around 100 hectares. So the origin of the product is clear. Organic fertilizer is added to the Osumi soil, which has good drainage, to really make it the ideal hotbed for tea.
Pesticides are avoided as much as possible, to produce a tea that can be drunk with peace of mind. We developed a pest extermination machine that utilizes wind pressure and water pressure, after getting a hint from the realization that there are no harmful insects around after a typhoon has passed through.
A seedling before being planted in a cultivated field
Tea leaves being picked
Hurricane King, a pest extermination machine that utilizes wind pressure and water pressure
The Way Wakohen tea is Produced
Our carefully picked tea leaves are rolled and diligently processed in our own factory. The love that is poured into our tea is what makes the taste special.